Why Saint John Bosco Church Banks with Notre Dame Federal Credit Union

Posted on Nov 22, 2023

Father Jeff Burton, the dedicated pastor of Saint John Bosco Church in Hammond, Indiana, is a man who understands the importance of stewardship. Leading a parish and school comes with significant financial responsibilities, and finding the right banking partner was crucial for him. After careful consideration, Father Jeff made the decision to move all of Saint John Bosco’s accounts to Notre Dame Federal Credit Union—and it’s a decision that continues to benefit his community.

One of the standout features that drew Father Jeff to Notre Dame FCU is the absence of fees. In a time when many financial institutions are adding costs, Notre Dame FCU remains committed to serving its members by keeping fees at bay. For a parish that relies on every dollar to further its mission, this aspect was a major factor in Father Jeff’s decision. The savings from avoiding unnecessary fees means more funds can be directed toward the church’s ministries, outreach programs, and the education of its students.

In addition to the no-fee structure, Father Jeff has been consistently impressed by the exceptional customer service at Notre Dame FCU. As a pastor, he values personal connections and a community-oriented approach—values that Notre Dame FCU embodies in their service. Every interaction he has with the credit union, whether in person, over the phone, or online, is met with a level of care and attentiveness that he greatly appreciates. This excellent customer service not only makes banking a pleasant experience but also reinforces the sense of partnership between the church and the Credit Union.

Another significant benefit of banking with Notre Dame FCU is the interest earned on all the parish and school accounts. In an era of low interest rates, Notre Dame FCU stands out by offering rates that are second to none. This means that the funds of Saint John Bosco Church are not just safely stored—they’re actively growing. This growth provides the parish with additional resources to support its mission, whether it’s enhancing educational programs, improving church facilities, or expanding community outreach.

For Father Jeff, moving Saint John Bosco’s accounts to Notre Dame Federal Credit Union has been more than just a financial decision; it has been a partnership that aligns with the values of service, stewardship, and community that are at the heart of his ministry. The combination of no fees, top-tier customer service, and competitive interest rates has made Notre Dame FCU an invaluable asset to the parish, ensuring that every dollar serves a greater purpose in their work.

Bank Nov 22, 2023

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